The shadow is an aspect of the self in which one feels shame or tries to hide either from the self and/or others. It is often projected onto others or we attract others who display the same shameful characteristic or emotional trouble. The shadow parts of ourselves are not something we gladly own in polite… Read more »
Several years ago while out with friends I was introduced to a man who my friends thought I would gel with immediately. The idea was that we were much alike in that I was obsessed with astrology while he was rather masterful at palmistry. While I have no understanding of palmistry, I was curious about… Read more »
I have heard it spoken from spiritual masters that once you attain a certain level of enlightenment all that you do is meditation. That enlightenment is foremost about being present and that meditation is the mastering , the practice of becoming present. Meditation is liberation from thoughts that can lead one everywhere but the here… Read more »
As I come upon my one year anniversary of becoming a full time Tarot reader and Astrologer I wanted to express my affection for those I have done readings. I have felt honored by the wonderful people this leap has brought into my life, even if for just the duration of the reading. Over the… Read more »
A bit of a pet-peeve for me is the fatalistic fortune teller. Yes, some card readings can speak of difficult times. Yes, some charts tell a story of pain, loss and confinement. None the less, telling someone or even worse believing for yourself that things are hopeless is pointless and damaging. Using astrology and tarot… Read more »
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