Uranus is where you find a person is a whack-a-doo. Where conformity is a painful crutch or decidedly impossible. The house and sign of your Uranus tells where you have vision, stifled or celebrated. This vision may not be celebrated in corporate America but it is in the humanitarian’s drive. When wielding the insight of… Read more »
As I come upon my one year anniversary of becoming a full time Tarot reader and Astrologer I wanted to express my affection for those I have done readings. I have felt honored by the wonderful people this leap has brought into my life, even if for just the duration of the reading. Over the… Read more »
“It’s always a gamble when you get a face.” — Richard Hell Persona is more then what is on the outside it is how the others see you. Feel a disconnection from your persona and you are likely to suffer from an identity crisis. To have awareness of how you are perceived gives you the… Read more »
The mutables, Gemini, Virgo Sagittarius and Pisces, share the commonality of being adaptable. All four signs occur with the changing of the seasons. As their energy breaks down the energy of the old, making room for the new. One foot in the coming season another in the old. Mutables thrive on change, determined to destroy… Read more »
Time and life changes are the greatest tools in learning Tarot. A daily draw of cards has been my profound resource for gaining wisdom through and with Tarot. While gaining knowledge from those who’ve walked the Tarot path before is wonderful and enlightening, nothing beats comparing the cards to your own actual experiences. Exercises that… Read more »
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious” — Carl Jung I love this time of year, with shorter days and the Sun in Scorpio, to examine my shadow side. To explore the sides of myself that are private even to myself most of the time. The… Read more »
A bit of a pet-peeve for me is the fatalistic fortune teller. Yes, some card readings can speak of difficult times. Yes, some charts tell a story of pain, loss and confinement. None the less, telling someone or even worse believing for yourself that things are hopeless is pointless and damaging. Using astrology and tarot… Read more »
I must admit, for a time I only dated Scorpios and all of my closest friends were Scorpios. Needless to say it was pretty intense! I felt Scorpios were the only ones who could understand my intensity. I still pal around with some pretty intense Scorpio types and those closest to me might not be… Read more »
I looked on their faces and didn’t see anything but my own alone-ness staring back at me. Tarot’s The Hermit comes to make you see that some journeys must be explored by yourself. Sometimes you have to sit and feel your own personal silence. To know that alone we each become truly ourselves. Without the… Read more »
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