“Ew yuck, what could be worse than the Hierophant?” was my friend’s response upon finding out that her life path card was The Hierophant. I had to laugh but also felt the compelling need to defend the powerful traditions of the Hierophant. So you don’t like tradition, or the conservative, or the opinions of the… Read more »
All week I struggled with The Emperor. I put him aside with the plan to write a bit about him later but he was pulled daily, mostly by myself for my one card draw. He came up in my personal life as I pondered what it means to be paternal. It has been an ever-present… Read more »
What do you call your baby? That something which evokes a feeling of tenderness? That is something that The Empress is telling you to nurture. All that we want to see physically actualized, that which gives us joy in tending to here on Gaia, is the lesson of The Goddess Empress. She is the mother… Read more »
You were born into species with 160,000 years of history, on a planet that is more than 4 billion years old, in a universe that is believed to have existed 13 billion years, you were born into a legacy of powerful survival. This scope is spectacular to contemplate to the rational mind but its’ real… Read more »
The Magician has found himself in a world full of potential and resources. He may have just begun his journey but he has become keenly aware of the nuances of his abilities. What lies ahead and how he may handle himself are the questions he asks when facing his open path. When The Magician comes… Read more »
There is no place like home, there is no place like home. What if you have no home? Home is a place living in the emotional memory. It’s hard to name what home is but we all know it when we feel it. We all live it when we repeat emotional habits throughout our lives…. Read more »
Most people are aware of their Sun sign in Astrology. Some people have an understanding of their element whether that be fire, air, earth or water. Yet the quality of a sign seems so greatly undervalued or considered. There are three qualities, Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Since the Sun is in Libra, a cardinal sign,… Read more »
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