Mars works for the ego. It is selfish and direct in its notions and objective. It is how and where passions and style of serving the ego will act. When engaged it moves with swift intent, ignited and willful. Its voice rings of “I want,” “I desire,” and “I must have.” To stand in its… Read more »
Fixed signs are proof of the power of persistence. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are not flippant in their beliefs or goals. When you want to know what works, what has always worked, seek the counsel of a fixed sign. This is because fixed signs are aware and connected to that which is classic. They… Read more »
I must admit, for a time I only dated Scorpios and all of my closest friends were Scorpios. Needless to say it was pretty intense! I felt Scorpios were the only ones who could understand my intensity. I still pal around with some pretty intense Scorpio types and those closest to me might not be… Read more »
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