Gemini rising possesses one of my personal favorite traits, curiosity. They tend to look out upon the world and see it as the rich mecca of knowledge and ideas, which it is. Yes they can get bored as the need for stimulation is high, but they themselves are never boring. Being a mutable sign ruled… Read more »
There is one rising sign that is certain to evoke a reaction, Scorpio. This is because of the dual rulers of Scorpio, Pluto and Mars, demand your attention. Mars being the planets of passion, personal drive and masculine essence, and Pluto being the planet of shadows and personal/collective power is sure to startle those who… Read more »
Taurus being ruled by Venus lends itself to a rather pleasant demeanor as a rising sign. Yet, I don’t wish to pander or speak in absolutes so I will state why I find it pleasant. Taurus rising looks upon the world for the stabilizing and unifying element. It pulls from the environment that which grounds… Read more »
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